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Vehicle Refinement Controlling Noise and Vibration in Road Vehicle

Vehicle Refinement Controlling Noise and Vibration in Road Vehicel

作者:Matthew Harrison


imageThe First book devoted to the refinement of noise and vibration in automobiles, combines a detailed explanation of the fundamentals of acoustics and the science behind vehicle noise and vibration with practical tips and know-how for nosie and vibration control, based on rearl world experience with a variety of automotive companies including Ford, BMW and Nissan.

High standards of NVH (Noise, Vibration and Harshness) performance are expected by consumers of all modern cars. Refinement is one of the main engineering and design attributes to be addressed in the course of developing new vehicel models and vehicel components. Written for studens and engineering practitioners, this is the first book to address automotive NVH. It will help readers to understand and develop quieteer, more comfortable cars. With chapters on the fundamentals of acoustics and detailed coverage of practical engineering solutions for noise control issues, it is suitable for students of automotive engineering and engineering who haven’t trained in acoustics, and will be an important reference for practicing engineers in the motor industry.







  •     出版时间: 2004-10-24(第一版)
  •     页数:360
  •     语种: English
  •     ASIN:B00108ANQM
  •     行业: Automotive;Acoustic;Vibration
  •     关键词: Noise, Vibration,NVH,Automotive Refinement.

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